Hazardous substances

This Safe Work Procedure (SWP) is to be used when handling hazardous substances on the farm. Examples of these include fuels, pesticides, herbicides, gases

Workers will not handle hazardous substances unless they are competent to do so. All workers who handle chemicals must be trained with competency requirements varying depending on the classification and quantity of the product being used. These may include:
- Qualified Person (EPA/Growsafe)
- Certified handler certificate
- Controlled substance license
We will check competency requirements using the Hazardous Substances Toolbox and Growsafe: www.hazardoussubstances.govt.nz or www.growsafe.co.nz

Chemicals and fuels will be stored in an area that is flood free, away from water bodies, soundly constructed, well ventilated, and able to contain a leak or spill. Chemicals will be locked away when not in use and separated in accordance with Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements. Warning signs will be placed in accordance with Worksafe chemical and fuel handling guidelines.
All fuel and chemical storage will be a minimum distance of 20 metres from the house and other combustible materials.

It is important for us to know what hazardous substances we hold so that we can manage the risks to those that may be exposed to them. It is a legal requirement that all hazardous substances
on farm, including waste, will be recorded in an inventory which will be readily accessible to any emergency service workers that may come on farm. We will create our inventory using the Hazardous Substances Toolbox at:

Hazardous Substances will be handled in accordance with our Hazardous Substances Safe Work Procedure and any appropriate legislation/regulations.

Hazardous Substances will be disposed of in accordance with the products SDS. Agrecovery provides a disposal service in most areas. www.agrecovery.co.nz or Freephone: 0800 AGRECOVERY (0800 247 326) Landline: 04 499 6777 Email: info@agrecovery.org.nz

Emergencies involving hazardous substances will be managed in accordance with the Farm Emergency Response Procedure and relevant SDS. We will record the location of all hazardous substances including waste on a site